Since 1996
EIN 33-0676865
Our Charity
In 1996, Dr. Tracy (Ph.D.) received a phone call. The scared voice on the other end said, "My name is Laure... I need help. My friend said you might understand..."
The W.I.N. Foundation® was founded in 1996 by Dr. Tracy Kemble (Ph.D), who after years of emotional, psychological, financial and spiritual abuse, she was passionate to help traumatized women, heal.
"My passion to create the WIN Foundation® came from my own struggle to understand what happened to me, why it happened, how to heal; and most important, to NOT do it all alone."
Over a 30-year period, Dr. Tracy, now a Narcissistic Trauma Abuse expert, has written five self-help books, has assisted in passing laws for the protection of women, and most notably, she created the award-winning "Reclaiming Me" program (From Trauma Abuse to Self-Love) where over 25,000 women have graduated through our program.
The Reclaiming Me course is a comprehensive one-year recovery program that specializes in repairing the emotional system traumatized by abuse. In this award-winning course, Dr. Tracy brings 30 years of recovery expertise and tools to reclaim a life after abuse trauma. Classes take place weekly online and are only $10 to attend. To join our class or learn more, please visit the links below.
Dr. Tracy is a best-selling author, a highly sought after speaker and transformational expert, and an award-winning entrepreneur.
For more on Dr. Tracy
Speaking Biography HERE
Breaking Up with A.N.X.I.E.T.Y. (book)
Instagram: @drtracykemble
Instagram: @reclaimingmewithdrtracy
InstAgram: @winfoundationinternational
To join our weekly healing program, "BE OUR GUEST" HERE